What is Effluent Treatment?

Effluent Treatment is the process of removing solid, chemical, and organic substances from the wastewater produced by industries as an outcome of the production process and recycle the water for industrial use or discharge it into the environment safely.

Why is Effluent Treatment important for industries?

Industries use water in their production processes. For example, Pulp & Paper mills, water, cooling system, food & beverages, etc. Every industry needs to adhere to the government guidelines when they discharge the treated wastewater into the environment.

How does Effluent Treatment Plant work?

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) has many stages in treating the wastewater produced by the factories. The influent water has acid, oil, grease, and other solid substances like plastic, paper. The Effluent water is recycled back for industry use or discharged to the environmen

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